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The Only Side Effects Are Good Ones with Dr. Dean Ornish
Heart disease is a leading cause of death. Dr. Dean Ornish’s program offers a lifestyle-based alternative to invasive procedures, scientifically proven to reverse heart disease.
Decrease Inflammation And Heal Your Gut With Dr. James Loomis
Dr. James Loomis, a whole-food, plant-based physician, shares how diet can combat illness and disease. Learn why the Standard American Diet is harmful and how whole foods can heal your body.
Dairy-Free Advocacy on University Campuses
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Jessica Cohen, Student Intern and Athlete at Switch4Good When in college, students often rely on their university’s dining options to provide most of their meals. But this can become a problem when the food the university is...
Secrets to a Happy Relationship with Professor & Author Dr. Darren George
Tired of conventional dating advice? Dr. Darren M. George reveals surprising truths about finding the perfect partner. Discover what truly makes relationships endure and how to cultivate lasting connections.
Fruit Pizza Recipe
Microdosing Psychedelics to Overcome Depression with Coach & Author Paul Austin
Discover the potential of microdosing psychedelics with Paul Austin, founder of The Third Wave. Learn about the benefits of this practice for mental health, creativity, and personal growth.