Our NFT Gallery is now open to visitors!
Tour our exciting and educational Metaverse gallery featuring dynamic digital artwork from our founding artists.
Visit our virtual gallery and find newfound inspiration from world-class changemakers who’ve created Switch4Good #NFTsForGood to create more awareness around the “face on your plate”.
Click the button below and use the access code PLANTS to enter the gallery!
Download our Art Buyer’s Guide
New to NFTs? Download our easy-to-use Art Buyer’s Guide to support our work and get started on becoming an NFT collector!
About our Road Map
The NFT project is a big part of our “Road Map to Save the World” which gives you a preview of our current and forthcoming global campaigns and impact projects to address dietary injustice in schools, children’s health, pediatrician education, and enhanced human performance.
About our NFT project
In our relentless pursuit of new vehicles for our message and our activism, we are diving head-first into the Metaverse and Web3.
That’s right … we have launched the Switch4Good NFT store! The first and only NFT store that donates 100% of net profits to nonprofits fighting the good fight for animals, justice, and the planet to change the game on how we live and what we eat.
We’ve partnered with some incredible global artists such as Danny Roberts, Stephanie Dillon, Linnea Mas, and Johnny Braz of Indraloka Animal Sanctuary to showcase their art and activism in exciting, soulful, and innovative new ways.
Why we created an NFT store
We’re really excited to bring more awareness to the “face on your plate” and how daily food choices deeply impact dietary justice, the global climate, human health/performance, and the welfare of animals. As a communication medium, art can be a powerful and creative way to disseminate complex ethical and social concepts into visceral, emotionally moving creations that stir the soul and create a new opportunity for critical thinking and lifestyle change.
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We have assembled a stellar team of innovative and electrifying global artists who are using their inimitable talents and passion to create custom NFT artwork that’s not only a collectible investment but also an innovative medium to spread the word about our core mission and campaigns.
We live in an extractive world, thanks to unfettered capitalism. Humans are extracting natural resources from the planet on a monumental scale. We take and we waste and then we press repeat. But what would it look like if we gave back and took less? What kind of world would we bequeath future generations?? Would it be kinder? More balanced? Would it thrive?
We all need to ask ourselves a very important question; do we want our world to be one of reciprocity and respect or one of extraction and destruction?
Here are some sobering facts that inspired us to build our NFT store:
- The industrial farming of animals is one of the most calamitous “systems” on earth, second only to fossil fuels as the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (more than the entire transportation sector combined).
- 23 percent of the world’s fresh water goes to industrial animal agriculture, while nearly 700 million humans suffer from water scarcity.
- 40 percent of the world’s grain is fed to farm animals, while nearly a billion humans go to bed hungry every night.
- If we continue to consume animal foods at our current rate, we’ll need 50 percent more land and will have to produce more food in the next 40 years than in the previous 10,000 years combined.
Making the switch from animal foods to plant-based foods is the single largest impact any individual can have on their environmental footprint.
Can you imagine what would happen if we ALL did it together right now?
By adopting a plant-strong diet, you can cut your food-related carbon emissions in half, save thousands of gallons of water a day, and help redirect some of the crop calories wasted on farm animals to feed an additional 4 billion people.
What you put on your cereal has a far greater environmental impact than how long you shower.
Switch4Good NFTs are designed to disrupt the way people think about the animals on their plates. To turn the tide. To embolden every individual to look at the world and all its inhabitants with empathy and respect, and to make an effort to do something about it.
We know we will encounter resistance from those entrenched in the status quo but our hope is that this resistance spotlights the issue, uncovers the truth, and influences action!
Where the money will go
All of the profits generated from our NFT sales will be split 50/50 with our artists. Most of our founding artists are donating their 50% revenue split to nonprofits.
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However, we do live in the modern world where we use computers, smartphones, hybrid and electric cars to do our work in the world. We are not perfectionists by any stretch of the imagination. You simply can’t do business without making some kind of deleterious impact or having some semblance of a carbon footprint. An ecological abolitionist approach is not our modus operandi, although living in a cave and using papyrus scrolls does sound fascinating.
We can only do our best with the information and awareness that we have. As we incorporate NFT art into the spectrum of offerings as Switch4Good, we are doing our best to make positive, incremental changes and spread awareness in an imperfect world as big-hearted, passionate, flawed individuals who are learning and evolving.
All of our NFT transactions are based on the Ethereum platform (aka ETH). Ethereum’s developers have planned a shift to a less carbon-intensive form of security, called proof-of-stake, via a blueprint called Ethereum 2.0, which is still being validated and scheduled to go live in June 2022.
The environmental impact
We are sensitive to and aware of the controversial nature of NFTs and cryptocurrency mining – and their subsequent effects on the environment due to excessive energy consumption. The energy sources for NFT production can come from coal, solar, wind, and other energy grids. It’s dependent on where the computers exist and what infrastructure is powering those devices.
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It’s true that one of our core tenets at Switch4Good is fighting for environmental justice through diet evolution and people choosing a dairy-free, plant-based diet, which overall has a smaller carbon and methane footprint than a carnivorous or omnivorous diet.
However, we do live in the modern world where we use computers, smartphones, hybrid and electric cars to do our work in the world. We are not perfectionists by any stretch of the imagination. You simply can’t do business without making some kind of deleterious impact or having some semblance of a carbon footprint. An ecological abolitionist approach is not our modus operandi, although living in a cave and using papyrus scrolls does sound fascinating.
We can only do our best with the information and awareness that we have. As we incorporate NFT art into the spectrum of offerings as Switch4Good, we are doing our best to make positive, incremental changes and spread awareness in an imperfect world as big-hearted, passionate, flawed individuals who are learning and evolving.
All of our NFT transactions are based on the Ethereum platform (aka ETH). Ethereum’s developers shifted to a less carbon-intensive form of security, called proof-of-stake, via a blueprint called Ethereum 2.0, which officially went live on September 14, 2022. This means that all of our NFT sales are now eco-friendly and require far fewer energy resources to mine and transact than before.