Anyone can ditch dairy and feel 100% satisfied.
Yes, even you, skeptical cheese-lover! When you follow these five simple steps, you’ll gradually wean yourself off dairy and incorporate more nourishing plant foods into your diet that will make you feel fantastic—much better than you ever felt while consuming dairy.
Sign up below to ditch dairy for good and receive your free 5-Step Lifestyle Change Workbook. Isn’t time to feel good again? We’ll help you get there.
Can’t wait to get started? Here’s the first step:
State Your “Why”
There are so many benefits to ditching dairy—what’s yours? Go back to that initial reason you had that first piqued your curiosity. It could be “feel better and not feel bloated all the time,” “run faster,” “get rid of my asthma” or “improve my carbon footprint and advance planetary responsibility.” Write your “why” on a sticky note and place it on the fridge or on your desk so you are reminded of it all day long … particularly when that cheese craving hits. That note will help strengthen your resolve.
Having trouble nailing down your specific why? Here are some questions to help guide you:
- Why do you want to make this change? Why does this matter to you? What are you hoping to get out of this change?
- How will this change improve your life? Think of positive motivating factors rather than negative emotional factors.
That was easy, right? We haven’t even gotten to swapping out dairy yet! Sign up to receive the four other essential steps to help you along your dairy-free journey, plus receive troubleshooting tips when you feel like you’re stuck.
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