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Dotsie’s Superwoman Bowl Recipe
If you're looking to eat like an Olympian, look no further! This Superwoman Bowl from Switch4Good Founder and Olympic Silver Medalist Dotsie Bausch packs 20 grams of protein per serving. This plant-based recipe is loaded with micronutrients and could be your new...
Weightlifting and Milk: Dairy and Soy Milk Show Similar Effects on Male Hormones
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes By Tiffany Bruno, MS, RDN, Director of Education at Switch4Good Regardless of your gender, you probably have heard consuming soy may be harmful to your hormones. Men worry that it may cause them to develop breasts, known as...
Be a Nutritarian and Never Diet Again with Dr. Joel Fuhrman
When dieting doesn’t work, it’s time to stop dabbling in healthy eating. Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a highly respected physician who has made his mark by focusing on nutrition.
Why Our Vegetables Are Not Vegan with Master Gardener Erin Riley
Our guest today is Erin Riley, the founder and CEO of Cabbage Hill organic, animal-free fertilizers. Her commitment to true organic gardening standards fueled her advocacy and led to the development of a sustainable, plant-based fertilizer.
Can Fasting Save Your Life? with Dr. Alan Goldhamer
Dr. Alan Goldhamer is the co-author of “The Pleasure Trap,” offering groundbreaking solutions for overcoming self-destructive habits and making positive lifestyle choices.
How to Create an Amazing Vegan Charcuterie Board
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes By Justin Long, Writer at Switch4Good Charcuterie boards have taken the culinary world by storm, and it's easy to see why. Whether you’re entertaining or enjoying a quiet evening at home, these trendy, artfully arranged...