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The Bodybuilding Vegan Doc, Dr. Harriet Davis

Does your doctor live by example? Our guest today is a doctor who certainly walks her talk and then some. Dr. Harriet Davis is an expert on what it takes to change the human body’s composition.

Cottage Cheese Doesn’t Deserve Your Attention

It’s 2023 and cottage cheese is having a moment. From TikTok to the New York Times, it’s suddenly everywhere. But does cottage cheese deserve all this attention? We’ve found it is a less than glamorous food that should have stayed in the 1970’s.  What is cottage...

5 Tips to Maintain Strong Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and another 44 million have been diagnosed with low bone density.1 Milk has often been purported to “build strong bones” a myth that remains pervasive today...

Is Whey Protein Healthy? Probably Not

Medically reviewed by Dr. Lucky (Lakshman Mulpuri MD)   What is whey protein? Whey, a protein complex derived from cow’s milk, is the liquid byproduct of the cheesemaking process. Next, the liquid whey is filtered and purified through various processes to remove...

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