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A Marathoner’s Secret Recipe for Anti-Inflammation

Mary Schneider is training to compete in the 2020 Olympic Trials for the marathon, and she is putting her body to the test in the process. Long runs, speed work, hills...all of this intense exercise leads to inflammation, the body's natural response to...

Anti-Inflammation Recovery Smoothie

Green Body Recovery Smoothie The single best thing you can do for your health is to have a smoothie for breakfast every day. A smoothie with the right combination of green leafy vegetables and fruits packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is the single best way to reduce inflammation generally in your body and to […]

Dairy Industry Creates ‘Calcium Crisis’ to Sell Cows’ Milk

In an attempt to offer sound advice, the Duchess of Cornwall warned the younger generations against “ridiculous” fad diets—specifically those eliminating dairy—as a precaution to the onset of osteoporosis. This well-intentioned yet misled comment was given at a press...

Plant Strong: Cycling Through Protein Myths

Guest post by Rick Scott (#veganhockeyplayer) One of the most famous cycling coaches in the world—the coach who literally wrote the bible for cyclists—was in town for a weekend seminar that I was attending. Prior to the Sunday session, we got to ride together. I was...

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