

Welcome to the Switch4Good Blog! Bookmark this page as your go-to resource for science-backed articles and interest pieces. From breaking down dairy studies to covering recent industry news, you can rely on these articles to provide both insight and solutions to bring your nutrition game up a notch.

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Beat Coronavirus with Dr. Michael Klaper

We’ve heard a lot about COVID-19, but instead of panic-driving headlines, we wanted to get the clear, concise facts from an expert. Entertaining and informative, this episode is just what we need right now.

Take Back Your Power: Immune-Boosting Tips

In light of the ongoing global health concerns, wellness is top of mind for people around the world. While one should never disregard their health, it is now more critical than ever to ensure we take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Our bodies are naturally...

Another Dairy-Funded Study Sends Mixed Messages to Athletes

A new study partially funded by the National Dairy Council of Ireland has attempted to contribute to the growing body of susceptible evidence that dairy promotes athletic recovery. Similar to pro-dairy research in the past, cows’ milk is given an advantage based on...

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