Soy has been lauded, soy has been vilified, but mostly, soy has been wildly misunderstood, prompting a deluge of misinformation, disseminated in seeming perpetuity. In the entire history of the world, few foods have incited such fierce debate, among layman and expert...
Myth Busting: Being Big and Tall Doesn’t Make You Healthier Or More Athletic
When did being big and tall become the marker for good health and athleticism? Research suggests that being taller is not correlated with better health. In fact, smaller people have better health and longevity by multiple markers.
Health & Performance
Health & PerformanceWe all want to feel our best, but dairy can leave us lagging. A dairy-free lifestyle has the power to make you feel fantastic, now and in the long-term future. Expect to experience increased energy, less bloating, improved digestion, clearer skin,...
8 Dynamic and Delicious Smoothies for Weight Loss
Smoothies are all of the rage these days, and there are solid reasons why. In addition to being packed with a flavorful punch, may of them can help us lose weight. Here are 8 smoothies that do just that.
Study Reveals Shocking Results: Cow’s Milk Ranks as the Number One Cause of Fatal Anaphylaxis
In a world where we’re understandably concerned about peanut and tree nut allergies in our children, you might be shocked to learn that cow’s milk is actually the most common food allergy in kids younger than five. Even more surprising is that milk from a cow accounts for about half of all food allergies in children younger than one.
Healing Inflammatory Arthritis with Clint Paddison
He was asked to give a TEDx talk on How To Reverse RA Naturally at Bond University, Queensland, Australia. He also spoke to over 200 naturopaths at the International Convention of Integrative Medicine to explain the connection between our digestive system and autoimmune diseases.
Preventing and Surviving Cancer with Dr. Shireen Kassam
Today we have Dr. Shireen Kassam, a certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician and co-author of the book Eating Plant-Based: Scientific Answers to Your Nutrition Questions.
Part 2: How to Fight Heart Disease with Cardiologist Dr. Monica Aggarwal
No matter your age or lifestyle, we can all benefit from hearing what Dr. Aggarwal has to say.
Are All Dairy-Free Transition Foods Healthy?
Anything omnivores eat you can eat dairy-free. It’s a comfort to know that no sacrifice is required to go dairy-free, because there is a quality, non-dairy alternative for virtually every dairy product imaginable. But are these familiar foods healthy in their...
Is Dairy-Free Healthy? The Science Behind Plant-Based Nutrition
What does healthy eating look like? If you just avoid dairy, have you set yourself up for a straight path to health? Yes and no. We live in a wonderful and simultaneously confusing time where consumers do not want for lack of dairy-free options. Virtually any craving...
How to Start Feeling Awesome, Today
Choose Your JourneyDairy-free Meal PlanningMaking dairy-free meals isn’t complicated. It’s as simple as reaching into your fridge and combining a few nutritious staples for deliciously fantastic, feel-good meals. We’ll show you how. What To Eat →Experts Talk About...
The Ultimate Kids’ Guide to Dairy-Free Alternatives
Simple dairy-free swaps. Kid tested, parent approved!