
The Switch4Good Podcast

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Do you want to live a healthier and more robust life? The key to living a full, healthy, and joyous life lies within the foods we eat—and our relationship to them. Because health isn’t accurately measured by the circumference of your waist or how much you can bench press- true vitality is measured by how you feel, not just physically but deep within.

Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch alongside Baywatch actress and certified health coach, Alexandra Paul, take listeners of all ages on a journey to optimal health and stamina through plant based eating.

Dotsie and Alexandra, who both fought back from severe food addictions in their twenties, interview expert nutritionists, pro athletes, innovative thought leaders, physicians and plant-based celebrities. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to optimize your health and pave a path for a more meaningful life.

So get inspired and join the Switch4Good revolution!

Best Health Podcast
I’ve listened to pretty much every episode and they are the best interviewers! They do their homework asking the best questions, and make it fun with stories and real life scenarios. You’ll feel more well rounded knowing every episode is a different doctor or specialist! Love this show!!
— Ag1980

Informative and inspiring
A wealth of information presented from a kind and compassionate perspective keeps me coming back for more every week. Dotsie, Alexandra and their amazing guests bring all of the science and positivity you need to absolutely thrive on a plant based lifestyle. Love you guys!!
— Matthew the plant eater

Hope Lives Here!
Switch 4 Good dives deep into issues of diet, medicine and responsible living to help you be part of the solution. Hosts Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul are smart and savvy interviewers who inspire with their enthusiasm. Hope lives here!

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Want to give feedback on an episode you loved or suggest a future podcast guest? Email us at [email protected].

Latest Episodes

Meet the Only Woman in History to Kayak the Amazon River from Source to Sea with Athlete Activist Darcy Gaechter

Today’s incredible guest, Darcy Gaechter, has been whitewater kayaking for over two decades and is considered one of the best kayakers on the planet. She’s won whitewater kayaking races throughout the world, led kayaking expeditions in over a dozen countries, and in the year 2013, she became the very first and only woman to kayak the entire Amazon River, from its origin in the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. In her book, Amazon Woman: Facing Fears, Chasing Dreams, and My Quest to Kayak the Largest River from Source to Sea, Darcy chronicles the arduous 148-day, 4,300-mile journey descending the Amazon—braving everything from sub-zero waters to pirates, piranhas, poachers, and sand flies, all while maintaining fidelity to her vegan diet, no less.

From On the Ice to Behind the Mic with Georges Laraque

In this episode, Alexandra and Dotsie speak with Georges about his journey to becoming one of the few men of color to play in the NHL and how shifting to a plant-based diet affected his life and understanding of justice.

How to Deal with Chronic Pain with Dr. Andrea Furlan

Our guest today is an award-winning pain specialist with decades of experience helping patients with chronic pain achieve a better quality of life. Dr. Andrea Furlan is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and a Staff Physician and Senior Scientist at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. In her new book, 8 Steps to Conquer Chronic Pain: A Doctor’s Guide to Lifelong Relief, Dr. Furlan shares science-backed solutions to beat pain that she has seen work in her own practice.

Improve Performance in Sports & Business through Exercise & Diet with Sharon McDowell-Larsen PhD

The story of our guest today, Dr. Sharon McDowell-Larsen, is one of perpetual movement. A plant-based athlete and former Coach at the Center for Creative Leadership, she’s lived on multiple continents and competed in IronMan triathlons, mountain bike races, Ultra Trail races, and Nordic ski races, just to name a few. Dr. McDowell-Larsen has a PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and she has guided some of the world’s top leaders to peak performance in health and fitness.

Let’s Party with Vegan Nacho Cheese Creator Lauren Joyner

What does it take to become a successful vegan entrepreneur? Today’s guest can tell you. Lauren Joyner grew up, like so many people, eating a diet rich in meat, dairy and processed foods. For her family, queso was a staple on the dinner table. However, as an adult, working as a tech startup designer, something changed. She made the switch to a plant-based diet and began taking an interest in creating delicious, nutritious plant-based alternatives to the comfort foods she ate growing up. Join us for an enlightening conversation where we discuss the ins and outs of starting a successful plant-based snack-food business!

Overcoming Lyme Disease through Dry Fasting with Michelle Slater

Our guest today, Michelle Slater, is a true testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. She suffered symptoms from late-stage neurological Lyme disease for six years, symptoms so devastating, so utterly debilitating, that after exhausting every possible treatment—from allopathic to holistic—she actually considered assisted suicide. But in the face of seemingly impossible odds, she had the courage and resolve to take one final leap of faith, traveling all the way to Siberia, of all places. Literally Siberia.

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