Estimated reading time: 3 minutes By Tiffany Bruno, MS, RDN, Director of Education at Switch4Good We know diet is a driving force of our health, including the health of our brain. More and more research is being published that promotes a whole foods plant-based...
Is Whey Protein Healthy? Probably Not
Medically reviewed by Dr. Lucky (Lakshman Mulpuri MD) What is whey protein? Whey, a protein complex derived from cow’s milk, is the liquid byproduct of the cheesemaking process. Next, the liquid whey is filtered and purified through various processes to remove...
Addiction, Recovery and Plants with Dr. Tara Kemp & Adam Sud
A plant-based diet has so many health benefits: reduced inflammation, a stronger immune system, and improved gut health, just to name a few. But can plant-based eating also have an impact on addiction and recovery? Could it prevent relapses and increase your resilience to cope with life? These are the questions that today’s guests, Dr. Tara Kemp and Adam Sud, set out to answer in The INFINITE Study, which researches if there are any benefits to plant-based eating in addiction recovery.
Athlete Nutrition
Plant-based Nutrition for Athletes A vegan diet can improve athletic performance A dairy-free, plant-based diet provides all the energy and nutrients you need to up your game in training and competition.Protein Athletes need protein to build and repair tissue in the...
Pain-Free Living with Physical Therapist, Author & Body Guru Eileen Kopsaftis
Eileen is a physical therapist, founder of Have Lifelong Wellbeing, author of the book Pain Culprits: Surprising Truths Behind Pain, How to Uncover the Cause, and What to Do about It, and for over two decades, she’s been helping people resolve pain and experience lasting wellbeing. Today, she’s with us to discuss what it means to actually age well, and dramatically improve the quality of your life!
All About Ghee and Why to Avoid It
Although ghee has been a cooking staple for many cultures around the world for centuries, it has recently gained popularity among new audiences. We’ve received countless questions on this shelf-stable dairy product, so we’re clearing up any confusion. What is Ghee?...
The #1 Reason Why You’re Addicted To Cheese
Do you experience constant and inexplicable cravings for cheese? If so, you’re certainly not alone. If you were to ask the majority of vegetarians—there are an estimated 1.5 billion on the planet—what’s preventing them from transitioning to a strictly plant-based...
Overcoming Lyme Disease through Dry Fasting with Michelle Slater
Our guest today, Michelle Slater, is a true testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. She suffered symptoms from late-stage neurological Lyme disease for six years, symptoms so devastating, so utterly debilitating, that after exhausting every possible treatment—from allopathic to holistic—she actually considered assisted suicide. But in the face of seemingly impossible odds, she had the courage and resolve to take one final leap of faith, traveling all the way to Siberia, of all places. Literally Siberia.
Saving Lives through Diet with Cardiologist & Real Life Hero Dr. Steven Lome
Today’s guest grew up, like so many of us, on the Standard American Diet. But after watching the seminal documentary, Forks Over Knives, Dr. Steven Lome charted a new course in his life, both personally and professionally, by adopting a vegan diet, losing 100 pounds, and spreading the message about the healing power of plants. Dr. Lome is a board-certified cardiologist, the founder of the Plant Based Nutrition Movement, and a member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, where he fights to improve America’s diet at a legislative level. And, you may have heard about him in the news recently for his heroics at the Monterey Bay Half Marathon.
Shocking Dairy-Free Athletic Performance From A 40-Year Ironman Journey
As a sports scientist and athlete, I have long been interested in those factors which contribute to performance. In my early years, it was all about training to optimize speed at lactate threshold, VO2 max, endurance, and economy. But little did I know at the time,...
GonnaNeedMilk FACTS: What Dairy’s Latest Campaign isn’t Telling You
In Big Dairy’s effort to update “Got Milk?” campaign / slogan, MilkPEP (Milk Processor Education Program) debuted its new “You’re Gonna Need Milk for That” marketing campaign in March of 2021. It touts the nutritional and performance benefits of cows' milk for...
Kickstart your Gut Microbiome with Dr. Robynne Chutkan
If you’re a person interested in strengthening your immune system, or you’ve experienced digestive troubles, or you’re just human, then this episode is definitely for you!