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5 Tips to Maintain Strong Bones and Prevent Osteoporosis

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and another 44 million have been diagnosed with low bone density.1 Milk has often been purported to “build strong bones” a myth that remains pervasive today...

How To Go Dairy-Free – 6 Easy Steps

How to go dairy-free in 6 easy steps: Your ultimate guide to kickstart your dairy-free journey. We’re bringing you tips to make your transition easier, deliciously dairy-free recipes, and helpful advice and information from our professional athletes and doctors.

Milk Surpasses Peanuts as Top Food Allergy

Food Allergies Can Be Fatal Anyone who experiences or knows someone who experiences a severe food allergy knows how serious it can be. Certain foods can prove to be life-threatening, and these severe allergies are particularly prominent in young children. According to...

Study Finds Dairy (Not Soy) Skyrockets Breast Cancer Risk

If you could reduce your relative breast cancer risk, wouldn’t you do it? A new study claims that women who drink cow's milk could increase their risk of developing breast cancer by up to 80 percent compared to women who drink soy milk. Unbiased by either soy or dairy...

Harvard Researchers Claim Cows’ Milk Is Unnecessary

Most American adults, and even children, believe they should aim for three servings of dairy a day—thanks to the US Dietary Guidelines. From a young age we are taught to believe that by devoutly consuming dairy on the daily, we will be protected from brittle bones and...

New Study Reveals Scientific Approach to Plant-Based Diet Change

What drives you? Whether it’s a fitness goal or a diet change, we all connect with a personal motivation, or “why,” that lights our fire to take action and make a change. At Switch4Good, our goal is to help you to find your “why.” It’s our job to equip you with all...

A Marathoner’s Secret Recipe for Anti-Inflammation

Mary Schneider is training to compete in the 2020 Olympic Trials for the marathon, and she is putting her body to the test in the process. Long runs, speed work, hills...all of this intense exercise leads to inflammation, the body's natural response to...

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