
The Switch4Good Podcast

Audrey Dunham: The Secret is in the BEANS!

Nov 27, 2019

Watch Episode 50 with Audrey Dunham here:

Health fanatics will often tell you that things like salmon and eggs are the way to go if you want to eat healthy.

But even simple iceberg lettuce has more antioxidants and fiber than both. 

It’s simple: going plant-based is worth it, not only for animals, but also for your own health. 

Here to prove that is today’s guest, Audrey Dunham, a former fitness competitor turned actress, recipe developer, and owner of Peanut’s Bake Shop. The Bake Shop offers exceptionally delicious and high-quality cookies that are 100% vegan, gluten-free, and made from non-GMO ingredients. 

Dotsie and Alexandra sit down with Audrey as she shares her journey of going from a vegetarian diet to eating entirely plant-based and opening the Bake Shop to make vegan goodies accessible to as many people as possible. 

She also shares how intuitive eating and books like French Women Don’t Get Fat and How to Have Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too helped her reconnect with herself after moving away from the professional fitness world. 

Tune in to hear how Audrey is having her cookies and her health too, and how you can join her.

Listen to Episode 50 with Audrey Dunham here:

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