Watch Episode 57 with Dr. Joel Kahn here:
Cardiovascular disease is the global leading cause of death and was responsible for more than 15 million fatalities in 2016.
What would you do to prevent yourself and your loved ones from becoming part of that statistic?
Today’s guest, Dr. Joel Kahn, says it’s as simple as plant-based nutrition.
Dr. Kahn is one of the world’s top cardiologists, a restaurateur, and is known as America’s healthy heart doc. He’s committed to making the world healthier through the preventative and healing power of plants.
He joins Dotsie and Alexandra to discuss the different factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease and the solutions to prevent or reverse early symptoms.
Tune in to hear what this vegan doctor has learned in his almost 40 years of practice, his advice for protecting yourself against fatal disease, and his tips for living a healthier lifestyle.
Listen to Episode 57 with Dr. Joel Kahn here:
What we discuss in this episode:
- What disrupts hormone patterns and influences our health?
- How Dr. Dean Ornish’s paper on getting rid of plaque through exercise and a plant-based diet has affected the views of the medical community
- The effects of inflammation and its connection to CVD, as studied and explained by Rudolph Virchow
- Why you need to include high sensitivity C-reactive protein in your routine blood work
- Sugar and Type II Diabetes: Why was Dr. Neal Barnard criticized for his statements in What the Health?
- Dr. Kahn’s diet advice, including using Chronometers and resources from Chef AJ and Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson
- Resources to live a healthier lifestyle, including Dr. Michael Greger’s book How Not to Die and his talk at Plant-Based Nutrition Support Group
- Follow Dr. Joel Kahn on Facebook at @drjoelkahn, on Instagram at @drjkahn, on Twitter at @drjkahn, and on his website at
- To support our mission to educate, inspire, and embolden the world to lean into eating plants instead of baby cow growth food, donate today to spread the word.