Watch The Switch4Good Podcast Trailer
Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch alongside Baywatch actress and certified health coach, Alexandra Paul, take listeners of all ages on a journey to optimal health and stamina through plant based eating.
Dotsie and Alexandra, who both fought back from severe food addictions in their twenties, interview expert nutritionists, pro athletes, innovative thought leaders, physicians and plant-based celebrities. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to optimize your health and pave a path for a more meaningful life.
So get inspired and join the Switch4Good revolution!
Best Health Podcast
I’ve listened to pretty much every episode and they are the best interviewers! They do their homework asking the best questions, and make it fun with stories and real life scenarios. You’ll feel more well rounded knowing every episode is a different doctor or specialist! Love this show!!
— Ag1980
Informative and inspiring
A wealth of information presented from a kind and compassionate perspective keeps me coming back for more every week. Dotsie, Alexandra and their amazing guests bring all of the science and positivity you need to absolutely thrive on a plant based lifestyle. Love you guys!!
— Matthew the plant eater
Hope Lives Here!
Switch 4 Good dives deep into issues of diet, medicine and responsible living to help you be part of the solution. Hosts Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul are smart and savvy interviewers who inspire with their enthusiasm. Hope lives here!
Join our Podcast Chat!
Immerse yourself in The Switch4Good Podcast Chat on Facebook and enjoy leading-edge health, nutrition, and performance resources in a positive, thriving global community of like-minded people celebrating the benefits of a dairy-free lifestyle!
Want to give feedback on an episode you loved or suggest a future podcast guest? Email us at [email protected].
Latest Episodes
Busting Nutrition Myths with Dr. Matthew Nagra
He has been vegan for over 10 years, is certified in plant-based nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. He regularly shares information regarding nutrition and health across his social media pages. Learn how to live healthier as you listen to this episode with Dr. Matthew Nagra.
Intuitive Eating in a Diet Culture with Taylor Wolfram
Taylor created the Anti-Diet Vegan Nutrition Online Course. So if you are ready to redefine your standards of health and wellness, this episode is for you.
Preventing and Surviving Cancer with Dr. Shireen Kassam
Today we have Dr. Shireen Kassam, a certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician and co-author of the book Eating Plant-Based: Scientific Answers to Your Nutrition Questions.
From Butcher to Vegan Bodybuilder with Fraser Bayley
When you truly understand the mechanism of how your biofeedback works, you’ll know what vitamins and minerals you could be missing; you can essentially hack your biology to the point where cravings are almost non-existent.
From Pedaling Shell Oil to Co-Founding the Largest Plant-Based News Site in the World with Robbie Lockie
They join me this week to share the moment everything shifted for them, the problem with the current food and dairy industries, and why everybody has a responsibility to take ownership of their actions. What Robbie has to say is so inspiring; you won’t want to miss this episode!
The Pandemic & Population Health with Dr. Daphne Bascom
She believes in meeting people where they are at and leading by example. She is a compassionate and caring woman who encourages our listeners to always speak the truth and back it up with evidence!