Watch The Switch4Good Podcast Trailer
Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch alongside Baywatch actress and certified health coach, Alexandra Paul, take listeners of all ages on a journey to optimal health and stamina through plant based eating.
Dotsie and Alexandra, who both fought back from severe food addictions in their twenties, interview expert nutritionists, pro athletes, innovative thought leaders, physicians and plant-based celebrities. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to optimize your health and pave a path for a more meaningful life.
So get inspired and join the Switch4Good revolution!
Best Health Podcast
I’ve listened to pretty much every episode and they are the best interviewers! They do their homework asking the best questions, and make it fun with stories and real life scenarios. You’ll feel more well rounded knowing every episode is a different doctor or specialist! Love this show!!
— Ag1980
Informative and inspiring
A wealth of information presented from a kind and compassionate perspective keeps me coming back for more every week. Dotsie, Alexandra and their amazing guests bring all of the science and positivity you need to absolutely thrive on a plant based lifestyle. Love you guys!!
— Matthew the plant eater
Hope Lives Here!
Switch 4 Good dives deep into issues of diet, medicine and responsible living to help you be part of the solution. Hosts Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul are smart and savvy interviewers who inspire with their enthusiasm. Hope lives here!
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Immerse yourself in The Switch4Good Podcast Chat on Facebook and enjoy leading-edge health, nutrition, and performance resources in a positive, thriving global community of like-minded people celebrating the benefits of a dairy-free lifestyle!
Want to give feedback on an episode you loved or suggest a future podcast guest? Email us at [email protected].
Latest Episodes
Dr. Dean Ornish….’Nuff Said!
Dr. Dean Ornish studied medicine under Dr. Michael DeBakey, an American vascular surgeon and cardiac surgeon, scientist and medical educator known for his trailblazing efforts in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
How to Thrive with Diabetes with Drew Harrisberg
Drew is an exercise physiologist, diabetes educator, sports scientist, and most importantly – a happy and healthy guy thriving with type 1 diabetes. His background as a health professional and his triumph with managing diabetes has ignited a passion for sharing everything he knows to inspire, empower and enable people to thrive with Diabetes rather than simply live with it. Drew’s Daily Dose is his way of empowering people to take control of their health to live a fuller, happier, and healthier life.
The New Movie “Milked” with its Star, Chris Huriwai
Today we will talk about a fantastic film co-produced by a passionate Māori activist Chris Huriwai, co-founder of the animal rights project Aotearoa Liberation League. Chris is a vegan advocate and 3-time world champion for street unicycling. The film reveals the harsh reality behind the seemingly idyllic and green dairy farming tale in New Zealand, uncovering alarming information about the impacts of the industry on the environment and health of the dairy farming community. MILKED presents evidence that we are on the edge of probably the biggest disruption of food and agriculture in history.
From 400 LBS to Climbing Mountains with Tim Kaufman
Tim was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in his early twenties and lived in chronic pain most of his life. Weighing over 400 pounds, Tim could not perform simple daily tasks and was almost immobile. He started a journey to regain his health, changing one small thing at a time. As a result, Tim is now an athlete who thrives on a plant-based whole food lifestyle and leads a healthy, happy, and active life free of all medications he was once on. He now helps others find health and happiness with the firm belief that “change is out there for anyone.”
Let’s Eat with Forks Over Knives’ Chef Del!
In 2006, Chef Del joined Wellness Forum Foods as Executive Chef, where he continued the tradition of delivering great-tasting plant-based meals to clients. He also teaches cooking classes and helps people transition to a healthy plant-based diet.
Healing Inflammatory Arthritis with Clint Paddison
He was asked to give a TEDx talk on How To Reverse RA Naturally at Bond University, Queensland, Australia. He also spoke to over 200 naturopaths at the International Convention of Integrative Medicine to explain the connection between our digestive system and autoimmune diseases.