Watch The Switch4Good Podcast Trailer
Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch alongside Baywatch actress and certified health coach, Alexandra Paul, take listeners of all ages on a journey to optimal health and stamina through plant based eating.
Dotsie and Alexandra, who both fought back from severe food addictions in their twenties, interview expert nutritionists, pro athletes, innovative thought leaders, physicians and plant-based celebrities. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to optimize your health and pave a path for a more meaningful life.
So get inspired and join the Switch4Good revolution!
Best Health Podcast
I’ve listened to pretty much every episode and they are the best interviewers! They do their homework asking the best questions, and make it fun with stories and real life scenarios. You’ll feel more well rounded knowing every episode is a different doctor or specialist! Love this show!!
— Ag1980
Informative and inspiring
A wealth of information presented from a kind and compassionate perspective keeps me coming back for more every week. Dotsie, Alexandra and their amazing guests bring all of the science and positivity you need to absolutely thrive on a plant based lifestyle. Love you guys!!
— Matthew the plant eater
Hope Lives Here!
Switch 4 Good dives deep into issues of diet, medicine and responsible living to help you be part of the solution. Hosts Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul are smart and savvy interviewers who inspire with their enthusiasm. Hope lives here!
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Immerse yourself in The Switch4Good Podcast Chat on Facebook and enjoy leading-edge health, nutrition, and performance resources in a positive, thriving global community of like-minded people celebrating the benefits of a dairy-free lifestyle!
Want to give feedback on an episode you loved or suggest a future podcast guest? Email us at [email protected].
Latest Episodes
Anti-Aging Secrets from Chef Babette Davis
Born and raised in East Los Angeles and forged in the fires of adversity, cookbook author Chef Babette Davis burst onto the culinary scene with her renowned vegan restaurant, Stuff I Eat, in Inglewood, California, where the soul food platter is one of the many, many must-try dishes. An ageless paragon of fitness and vibrant health, Chef Babette has legions of social media followers who love seeing her posts of this incredibly fit 71-year-old working out or cooking or even in a bikini. If she’s not preparing delicious dishes in the kitchen of her restaurant, teaching cooking classes, or hosting the competition cooking show Peeled, you’ll find her running stairs all around Los Angeles.
Find Your Inner Water Tiger with SriMu Founder Julie Piatt
Julie Piatt, a.k.a. “SriMati,” is a mystic, yogi, musician, artist, chef, author, and healer. She is also the mother of 4 children and finds the divine in all experiences in life, beautiful and challenging alike. Julie has created over 300 plant-based recipes for a series of bestselling cookbooks and is the author of the plant-based cheese bible, “This Cheese Is Nuts!” She also co-authored the internationally acclaimed books “The Plantpower Way” and “The Plantpower Way; Italia” with her husband, Rich Roll.
Weapons of Mass Distraction with Dr. Nidhi Gupta
Our guest today, Nidhi Gupta, was born and raised in India, but her passion for helping people took her on an expansive journey. After 16 years of rigorous medical training across two continents, she was offered her offered her dream job in 2018 as an attending physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Nashville.
Plant Built Bodybuilder Dani Taylor on Fat Loss & Diet
Dani is a Certified Personal Trainer with the AFAA, Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition with Cornell University and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation, and is Precision Nutrition Level1 Certified. She loves to work with women who have always been too nervous to lift weights and dives into that topic on today’s show. Listen to this episode to learn more about this powerhouse, Dani Taylor!
Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior with Ann and Jane Esselstyn!
In today’s episode, we’re switching things up a bit and coming to you with a mother/daughter team. It’s likely that you’ve heard of the Esselstyns before, as they are powerful leaders in the plant-based movement.
Listener Stories of Weight Loss, Health Regained and Saving Animals
Today you’ll hear from Jess McKay, someone who has found a way to combine his love of puppets and animal rights in a positive way. You’ll also hear from Mary Cline, a woman who proves that change is possible at any stage of life. Lastly, we sit down with Jim Stark, a man who followed the Standard American diet and ended up with Standard American Health issues. We talk to him about his healing journey through plant-based foods and a willingness to change.