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Addiction, Recovery and Plants with Dr. Tara Kemp & Adam Sud

A plant-based diet has so many health benefits: reduced inflammation, a stronger immune system, and improved gut health, just to name a few. But can plant-based eating also have an impact on addiction and recovery? Could it prevent relapses and increase your resilience to cope with life? These are the questions that today’s guests, Dr. Tara Kemp and Adam Sud, set out to answer in The INFINITE Study, which researches if there are any benefits to plant-based eating in addiction recovery.

Why Drinking Milk While You Have A Cold Can Worsen Symptoms

We’ve all been there: the aching sinuses, the congestion, the coughing, and the sleepless nights. Having the common cold can be pure misery, to be sure. While the list of purported remedies is long enough to make your head spin, there is no actual known cure....

Your Last Bad Day with Meditation Teacher Michael O’Brien

On a summer morning in 2001, today’s guest, Michael O’Brien, had what he refers to as his last bad day. While out on a morning bike ride, an SUV traveling at 40 mph crossed into his lane and struck him head-on, forever altering his life as he knew it. Doctors were shocked that he survived and told him that he’d likely never ride again or even walk with comfort. Yet, in 2022, Michael completed a 41-day, 3,600-mile bike ride across the United States, proving all of them wrong.

What Is Raw Milk? Claims, Risks, and Alternatives to Raw Milk

The work we have done at Switch4Good, along with a plant-based market that’s constantly innovating, has led nearly half of US consumers to regularly purchase plant-based milks. Yet, raw milk is still touted as a superfood (incorrectly) by a niche subset of the...

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