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The Impact of Meat and Dairy Production on Air Quality
Estimated read time: 3 minutes By Justin Long, Writer at Switch4Good Anyone who has driven Interstate 5 through California’s San Joaquin Valley more than once knows to keep the car windows rolled up and the AC on recycled air as you pass Harris Ranch. That’s...
Should You Care About Farmed Animals? with Lewis Bollard
Lewis Bollard is a dedicated animal advocate making meaningful change on a global scale.
10 Best Dairy-free Cheeses That Taste Like the Real Thing
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes By Switch4Good Staff If you’ve been in a long-term relationship with cheese, you may not know how hot the dairy-free dating scene is. In just the past few years, non-dairy cheese has reached its A-game, and there are plenty of...
Netflix’s You Are What You Eat: A Twin Study Director Louie Psihoyos
A must-listen episode of filmmaker Louie Psihoyos, be inspired and empowered as we explore how what we eat dictates who we are and even what we can become.
How Big Food is Making You Fat & Sick with Nutrition Legend Marion Nestle
Dr. Marion Nestle THE authority on food politics – she has been a transformative figure, working to improve our dietary choices, while exposing corporate greed and injustice inherent in the food industry.
The Pill that Changes Your Sex Life, Your Sexiness, & Your Partner Choice with Dr. Sarah Hill
Our guest today Dr. Sarah Hill sheds light on all the ways hormonal birth control affects women – the good, the bad, and the unsettling.