
The Switch4Good Podcast

Get Rid of Joint Pain, Lower Inflammation, Elevate Your Chi, How Vegans Get Plenty of Iron with Dotsie, Alexandra & Jason

Dec 25, 2024

Get ready for a jam-packed episode that’s as exciting as it is informative! We’re diving into the power of black foods, the protein-packed perks of fava bean tofu, and tackling the big question: can you really get enough iron on a vegan diet? We’ll also explore how plant-based diets help combat inflammation and share a hot-off-the-press study debunking myths about plant-based alternatives—all with a side of Violife cheese deliciousness. Don’t miss this feast for your mind!

Listen to Episode 314 with Dotsie, Alexandra & Jason

What we discuss in this episode:

  • Exploring the unique benefits of black foods.
  • Debunking the myth: Can you get enough iron on a vegan diet? Plus, top vegan iron sources and how to boost iron absorption.
  • Heme vs. non-heme iron: Key differences between meat and plant-based iron.
  • Phytic acid: Its unexpected health benefits. 
  • Listener Q&A: Can a whole-food, plant-based diet reduce joint pain? How it lowers inflammation and supports joint health.
  • Practical tips for reducing inflammation—and how eating animals can increase it.
  • Exposing the ultra-processed myth: How meat and dairy industries spin stories about plant-based alternatives.


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