Ever-targeting a new generation of consumers, the dairy industry-funded and released a new study in February 2019 in an attempt to support the misguided campaign, “Built With Chocolate Milk.” Titled, “Chocolate Milk Versus Carbohydrate Supplements In Adolescent...
The Problem with Chocolate Milk
I remember a feeling of elation when the chocolate-milk-as-exercise-recovery news broke several years ago and happily guzzled the advice. I was a huge fan of organic dairy products—Vermont cow and goat yogurt and cheese especially—as part of my supposedly healthful...
The Truth Behind Chocolate Milk Athlete Studies
Learn how chocolate milk research studies fall short of their marketing claims.
Athletes Are Not Built by Chocolate Milk
Despite industry claims, chocolate milk is not a “superfood.”
GonnaNeedMilk FACTS: What Dairy’s Latest Campaign isn’t Telling You
In Big Dairy’s effort to update “Got Milk?” campaign / slogan, MilkPEP (Milk Processor Education Program) debuted its new “You’re Gonna Need Milk for That” marketing campaign in March of 2021. It touts the nutritional and performance benefits of cows' milk for...
Milk and Osteoporosis: The Calcium Myth
In 2009, I was part of a UCLA study of cyclists and triathletes that looked at how endurance exercise impacted bone density, testosterone, and the production of inflammatory cytokines produced during long, frequent periods of exercise. Some of my cycling teammates...
17 Types of Plant Based Milk You Need to Try
How many plant milks are there? The answer is limitless! Personally, I opt for the store-bought varieties, but with a cheesecloth or a super nifty Almond Cow machine, you can transform literally anything into delicious plant milks—from grains to seeds to nuts and...
The Twisted History of Milk in America
According to evolutionary history and fossil records, the modern human being has inhabited this earth for the past 200,000 years. (1) Historians date the practice of drinking cows’ milk back to the past 8,000 to 10,000 years. (2) What this tells us is that consuming...
Top 10 Most Outrageous Milk Life Claims
Milk Life, one of America’s largest dairy marketing organizations, is constantly churning out various statements to promote cow’s milk to the American public. While these claims are often supported by research studies, these assertions are highly flawed, and in many...
The Basics of Post-Exercise Recovery Fuel
Spoiler alert: chocolate milk is not a recovery food.
Dairy’s Effects on Dental Health
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes By Alexa Martinelli, DMD We always talk about the health consequences of consuming dairy, and of course the benefits of switching to plant-based options. We are looking at another aspect of our overall health that is not as...
What About Yogurt? Why This Dairy Product Is Not As Healthy As You Think
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes By Tiffany Bruno, MS, RDN, Director of Education at Switch4Good Whenever we talk about the negative consequences of dairy on human health, we always get pushback about chocolate milk for athletes, calcium for bones, yogurt for...