
4 Questions With the Incredible Dotsie Bausch, Olympic Cyclist

Dec 4, 2018

Dotsie Bausch is an Olympian and the executive director of Switch4Good. She went dairy-free while training for the 2012 Olympics and walked away with a silver medal. While retired from professional cycling, she still enjoys long rides and mountain biking in the Southern California hills on the weekends. Learn more about why she decided to make the Switch4Good.

1. What was your pivotal Switch4Good moment when you ditched dairy?

I believe in digging to reveal the truth always. I believe in transparency and never turning a blind eye to injustice. When I uncovered the horror behind dairy, that 265 million dairy cows yearly are forcibly impregnated, carry their baby for nine whole months, give birth without pain relief, and then have their precious child ripped from their safe and loving sides, ALL so humans can drink milk and eat cheese, I knew instantly I would not pay into this barbaric ritual for one more moment. I dropped all dairy from my diet and never looked back.

2. How did switching for good impact your health and athletic performance?

I began to breathe better, wake up without mucus in my throat, feel cleaner, move better (probably because dairy is so inflaming in the body), and my mental clarity improved greatly.

3. What’s your proudest moment so far as a dairy-free athlete?

Starting Switch4Good with my talented and passionate team.

4. What is one food that is a staple in your diet?

Lentils. Lentils are the world’s most perfect food. Packed with fiber and protein, lentils are the only food on the planet with a zero-percent insulin spike. They are delicious, filling and the list is endless of what you can create with lentils! I make a mean lentil loaf!

Dotsie Bausch is the Switch4Good founder and executive director. To learn more about Dotsie Bausch, visit our about us page. For more dairy-free athlete tips, visit our Athlete’s Hub.

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